Village Hall

Village Hall Up-date

The latest version of the Village Hall Newsletter may be viewed by clicking here

Highlights include reports on the role of the village hall in the annual Feast, events to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the ending of WW1, future plans for the hall and details of the village hall draw. 

Further details on the development for the village hall will be added here over the coming months but as a starter the final plans can be seen by clicking here

Village Hall Accounts: Details of accounts from 1st June 2018 to end January 2019 may be reviewed by clicking here

Thank you for your continued support

The Trustees




Booking the Village Hall for events

East Cottingwith has a well appointed Village Hall complete with kitchen, indoor toilets, and oil fired heating. 

Booking details and members of the village hall committee can be found in the Community Group section of this site. Click here for details.

Events planned for the village hall can be entered into the Event diary on this site by sending details via the Contact Us form and if additional information is provided we will include it here with links off the home page to help publicise the event.

Please do not assume that if no event is entered on this site the village hall will be free. You must contact the appropriate member of the committee to make your booking.









Village Hall Draw





Coming soon..........