This wood which is managed by the Parish Council, was made possible by a generous donation from
the East Cottingwith and Storwood Local History and Environmental Group
who produced the village book in 2002.
It is a village community wood and there will in the future be a small hard standing area for a couple
of cars and a picnic area with further planting around it.
2018 Review:
From the icy Beast from the East to the record breaking heat of summer when virtually no rain fell from April to August, the wood has been allowed to rest!
However two owl/kestrel boxes on poles were funded and installed by Natural England with help from villagers.
Also during the year a very generous donation to be used in the development of the wood was given in memory of Mrs Marjorie Norton.
A copse of silver birch and alder was therefore planted this February (2019). It surrounds the more open pole and during planting it was thrilling to see a barn owl fly out of the box. Marjorie would have been well pleased as she was a lover of both birds and trees.
Two bird boxes were also put up and several other trees planted near the Sandringham oak.
The next project apart from general maintenance will be, fingers crossed, the erection of a fence and gate along Red Cap lane.
February 2019
What a good morning we had, tree planting (mainly birch and alder but with some donated horse chestnut) virtually finished by 11am! Still we had a good gossip afterwards which was enjoyable of course! Thank you all.
Nothing major now apart from the fencing which is more or less in hand. A few replacements and maybe planting some Xmas trees in Autumn under the electric wires as Peter Rhodes thinks it would be a good cash crop to raise funds. Any views?
Any suggestions for protecting the new hedges from spray drift? Some damage there though I have spoken to the farmer.
Thanks again.
April 2017
At the beginning of April on a sunny Sunday morning the hedge planting gang of twelve met to plant 420 mixed hedging whips - blackthorn,hazel,elder,dog rose and rowan - along the inner fence boundary.These plants with canes and tubes were donated by the Woodland Trust. In two hours all were in - quite a feat!
The Wood is alive and well, many of the larger specimen trees planted in November are now budding freely and the bird cherries spangled with blossom.Hopefully Spring and Summer will not be too dry.
Birds- a barn owl has been seen frequently quartering the field, a small covey of partridges is using it as cover and of course all the regulars. A few unidentified small mammals were spotted during planting.
In Autumn ,with a Defra grant ,we hope to have a fence in place and hedging planted along Red Cap lane boundary. We shall keep our fingers crossed!
February 2017
Dan, Alan,Garry,Neil Steve,Tony,Malcolm and Dave (camera) - see the photos in the slide show on the right - weathered a very wet cold Sunday on the morning of the 12th to put in a new boundary fence along the eastern side of Jubilee Wood.
40 posts were put in in 45 minutes -a remarkable feat.
Malcolm was an excellent organizer.
Further details of hedge planting will be circulated after the fence is completed.
December 2016
On December 14th another 200 whips were planted by the East Yorkshire Conservation group.This almost completes the tree planting.
Very many thanks to those people who donated money for larger trees(£111),to those who bought trees themselves and lastly to those hardy souls who had the job of planting a variety of species such as walnut,cobnut,hornbeam,spindle,tree maple,gorse, bird cherry, red hawthorn, holly and two unidentified!
Just one thought - if we have a very dry prolonged spell could those able please water their trees.
Bird sightings: a charm of goldfinches, a zephyr of long tailed tits, hunting kestrels and a barn owl, one yellowhammer again and small flocks of LBJs!
May 2016
After a very wet winter it is really good to see that all the larger trees and every whip bar one, appear to be budding well.In one area near the lane the land is very boggy indeed with areas of standing water but the alder, birch and beech are fine.
In October a planting day for the inner hedge and for individual trees donated by villagers will take place.The Woodland Trust has donated 450 hedging plants which will come then and more will be bought from Henleys if needed.
The remaining ECOPA whips will also go in. A few nesting boxes will be put up in the existing mature trees on the boundaries.
Interesting bird sightings so far - a hunting barn owl, a small flock of goldfinches, a pair of kestrels, a single bullfinch , a yellowhammer and both a Red Kite and Buzzard circling over the field.
Hopefully a flower survey can be carried out before Autumn.
Further details will be put on the website.Any queries about donating trees or unwanted saplings ( please no sycamore!) from the garden please contact Steve Ashton or Dave & Judi Griffith.
5th February 2016. Planting on day 1
The first section of The Jubilee Wood was planted by the East Riding Conservation Volunteers.
To see images of the day please click here
198 mixed deciduous whips,ten standard birch and alders, four horse chestnuts and ten scots pines were planted.
The second stage will be the planting of the hedge along the eastern boundary of the land.
This will now take place in the Autumn.
We intend to approach the Woodland Trust for free community packs of trees.
Many people have offered to contribute towards or to provide further trees ( apart from ash, sadly).
We are very pleased with these offers of help - the more the merrier!
Eventually we will of course be needing bird boxes,so may be the children would like to adopt a box.
If you would like to donate a tree or unwanted saplings from your garden
please get in touch with either Dave or Judi Griffith or Steve Ashton,